Bioglen Limited possesses the marketing authority of the below mentioned products under the marketing agreement with Total Pharma, Total Herbal & Nutraceuticals and Total Natural Company.
Active Ingredients: Tea tree oil & Neem
Indication: For acne free healthy skin.
1. Helps fight acne & pimples
Active Ingredients: L-Glutathione.
Pack size: Each commercial box contains 30 capsules.
Indication: Cherish skin with whitening effect.
Active Ingredients: Ketoconazole I.P. 2%, Zinc Pyrithione (ZPTO) 1%
Pack size: Each box contains 100 ml shampoo.
Indication: For stubborn dandruff free healthy hair.
Active Ingredients: Biotin
Pack size: Each box contains 30 Tablets
Indication: For Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails