Bioglen Limited possesses the marketing authority of the below mentioned products under the marketing agreement with Total Pharma, Total Herbal & Nutraceuticals and Total Natural Company.


Acne Wash Soap (85 g)

Active Ingredients: Tea tree oil & Neem
Indication: For acne free healthy skin.


1. Helps fight acne & pimples

  1. Purifies & cleanses the skin
  2. Reduces itching & rashes
  3. Heals skin infections naturally
  4. Reduces excess oil in skin
  5. Fights germs & bacteria

Glutarex (500 mg)

Active Ingredients: L-Glutathione.
Pack size: Each commercial box contains 30 capsules.
Indication: Cherish skin with whitening effect.


  1. Anti-melanogenic property helps to lighten & whiten the skin
  2. Reduces excess pigmentation
  3. Improves skin texture
  4. Evens-out skin tone
  5. Powerful anti-oxidant
  6. Fights the sign of aging

Nizax Shampoo (100 ml)

Active Ingredients: Ketoconazole I.P. 2%, Zinc Pyrithione (ZPTO) 1%
Pack size: Each box contains 100 ml shampoo.
Indication: For stubborn dandruff free healthy hair.


  1. Long lasting effect even after rinsing
  2. Cost effective because no need to use every day
  3. Prevent recurrence of dandruff
  4. Can be used on tinted or colour hair
  5. Nizax shampoo makes the hair soft, healthy and dandruff free

Biot 5000 (5000 mcg)

Active Ingredients: Biotin
Pack size: Each box contains 30 Tablets
Indication: For Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails


  1. Repair & Restore Skin Health
  2. Anti-Aging Benefits
  3. Prevents Hair Fall
  4. Repairs Hair Damage
  5. Treats Brittle Nails